Urine: BD Vacutainer® Urinalysis Preservative Plus Urine Tube (Red/Yellow Speckled Top Urine Tube)
Swabs: ESwabTM 480C by Copen containing liquid Amies transport medium
Urine: Collect first catch urine to the urine collection cup. Transfer the specimen from collection cup to the evacuated BD Vacutainer® urinalysis preservative tube.
Vaginal swab: Insert the swab about 2 inches into the vaginal opening. Gently turn the swab for about 30 seconds while rubbing the swab gainst the wall of the vagina. Remove the swab carefully. Do not touch the swab to any surface before placing it into the collection tube. Remove the cap from the collection tube and place the swab, break it at the breakpoint and close the cap tightly.
Oropharyngeal/Throat swab: Collect the specimen from the back of the throat without touching the teeth, cheeks, gums, or tongue. Remove the cap from the collection tube and place the swab, break it at the breakpoint and close the cap tightly.
Rectal swab: Insert the swab through the rectal sphincter up to 1 inch. Gently rotate the swab, touching the walls of the rectum, to collect the specimen. Remove the cap from the collection tube and place the swab, break it at the breakpoint and close the cap tightly.
Room temperature - 4 days
Storage Instructions
Room temperature
Test Details
Real Time RT-PCR with TaqMan 384 well Plate-format on QuantStudio 12K Flexinstrument (Applied Biosystems)
Rejection Criteria
Received after 4 day from collection
Received in the improper container
Collection Device expired
Tube unlabeled